Churches are at the front line of the emergency response. Here’s what they can do to ensure refugees are cared for and protected from human traffickers.
TRAUMA: Establishing Safety – Trauma training for churches & individuals working with refugees from Ukraine.
People who have experienced trauma need physical and emotional safety as a first step to healing. Join us to hear from experts who will discuss what trauma is and how to create safety for the people you serve – and for yourself. This webinar is an ideal starting point for churches and individuals who are working with refugees from Ukraine.
The needs are enormous, and our resources are not. How can we find rest for our bodies and refreshment for our souls as we serve people in crisis? How do we keep caring when it gets hard? How do we equip ourselves and our volunteers to serve well for the long term? Aimed at church leaders, volunteers and anyone involved in caring for people in crisis, this webinar will provide practical ways to find respite in the storm.
Hungarian, German, Polish and Romanian versions coming soon.
EFN’s Trauma team is turning the webinar over to Dr. Leah Edwards to explain what trafficking looks like during the Ukrainian Crisis and how our interventions can protect vulnerable people from trafficking.
High rates of conflict related sexual violence (CRSV) have been reported since the start of the Ukraine war, with thousands of women, children – and men – suffering severe physical and psychological injury as a result. How can we, the church, best support those who have experienced this devastating trauma? This 90 minute webinar is primarily for those supporting Ukrainian refugees and will be available in multiple languages. Please join EFN’s team of conflict trauma specialists as they discuss the impact of sexual violence on victims, the added complexities of conflict related context, and how we can best support those who have experienced it.
Defined as “the distressing psychological, behavioral, and spiritual aftermath of exposure to traumatic events”, moral injury causes deep psychological wounds and can include self-blame, trust issues, and crises of faith and spirituality.
In this webinar, we heard from trauma experts about how to provide support and care to those struggling with survivor guilt and the scars of moral injury.

Beyond Disaster Guide & Small Group Guide | SIM International
Spiritual first aid helps people recognize common spiritual and emotional reactions to disasters. Like physical first aid, it is intended to start an ongoing process of care. This guide can point people to skills and resources that will aid in recovery. It uses principles and exercises adapted from the program model of the Trauma Healing Institute.
EFN Trauma Matrix
This guide lists trauma resources according to age group and phase of the crisis (immediate, medium-term, long term). It is suitable for non-professionals working to help people with trauma. All of these resources have been vetted by a professional team and are recommended for use.
Tips for Churches | European Freedom Network
EFN has created social media sets that churches can share to get best practice on trauma informed care to churches and individuals that are serving refugees. Tips include: