Author: Zsuzsa Mecséri-McNamara from Set Free Movement – Hungary

“He told me he loved me. He said he would do anything for me. He promised me everything I ever hoped and dreamed of. I believed him – I wanted it to be true. Even when he hit me, I forgave him. Even when he told me I had to do things I did not want to do, I forgave him. Because finally someone was interested in me, someone noticed me, someone loved me.”

“But now I am here, alone and scared. I do not know what to do. I do not want to go back to the institution I escaped from. I do not have a family that I could go to. My mother died when I was 2 years old and my father is a drunk. What should I do?”

“Maybe the lady who was talking about God and said she was praying for me – maybe she could help? She said I can always contact her if I need help. Should I risk it?”

In Hungary, children who grow up in state-run children’s homes are at particular risk of being sexually exploited and trafficked. Traffickers coerce young girls who are looking for attention and love into abusive situations. Let us change the story, let us share the unconditional love of Christ with these precious children of God!

Questions for Reflection:

  • What would you do if this young woman came to you for help?
  • Would she be welcomed at your church?
  • What would you advise her?
  • Do you know of any professional organization that might be able to help?
  • Would your church have a means of helping people who have been traumatized?
  • Would it be possible for your church to start a ministry to the children living in these circumstances?

These are difficult questions. Perhaps you don’t feel equipped to answer them. Please feel free to use the Contact Us form to ask any questions that you may have about how your church can become a community that actively welcomes and nurtures those who are vulnerable to being exploited, or who have been exploited.

Christians working against sexual slavery gathered in Berlin to “speak with one voice”
Welcome is a powerful word